The upcoming
Justice League: Warworld animated film casts Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and other iconic DC heroes. While a new DC Universe is coming to life in live-action, Warner Bros. Animation has been continuing to build out its animated DC franchise. Known as the Tomorrowverse, the recent animated DC films have been setting up their new Justice League franchise, with several heroes getting their own solo movies. The next one that is coming up is Justice League: Warworld, set to be released this summer.
Warner Bros. Animation has now finally revealed more details about Justice League: Warworld through The Hollywood Reporter. According to the trade, Jensen Ackles and Darren Criss are reprising their roles as Batman and Superman, respectively. Stana Katic is joining the franchise as Diana Prince, a.k.a. Wonder Woman, while Ike Amadi is back as Martian Manhunter. The Justice League: Warworld cast also consists of the following:
- Troy Baker as Jonah Hex
- Matt Bomer as Old Man
- Roger C. Cross as Machiste
- Brett Dalton as Bat Lash
- Trevor Devall as Drifter
- John DiMaggio as Lobo
- Robin Atkin Downes as Mongul
- Frank Grillo as Agent Faraday
- Rachel Kimsey as Mariah Romanova
- David Lodge as Sheriff
- Damian O’Hare as Deimos
- Teddy Sears as Warlord