Scarlett Johansson Addresses Potential Black Widow Return In The MCU After Marvel Revealed Robert Downey Jr's Avengers: Doomsday Role

With Avengers: Doomsday coming up, Scarlett Johansson opens up about whether or not Black Widow may be returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
In a new interview with InStyle, Johansson spoke about her time as Black Widow at Marvel Studios while also addressing whether she may be coming back to the franchise. However, as much as fans want to see her reprise the role, Johannson stressed the following:
[indent] Natasha is dead. She is dead. She"s dead. Okay? They just don"t want to believe it. They’re like, ‘But she could come back!’ Look, I think the balance of the entire universe is held in her hand. We’re going to have to let it go. She saved the world. Let her have her hero moment.
[/indent]Source: InStyle

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